All students have been issued a laptop and charger for their 1:1 devices. Please review the PWCS Parent/Student Digital Device Handbook at the link below. This handbook contains information on care and use that should be reviewed by both the parent and student. Please be aware that students will be required to pay for a replacement if their device is lost, broken, or stolen. Parents/guardians do have the option to purchase low-cost student device insurance (see link below).
Parent/Student Digital Device Handbook: PWCS Digital Device Handbook
Parent/Student Digital Device Handbook: PWCS Digital Device Handbook
Student Laptop Chargers
If a student loses their charger during the year, you can purchase a replacement charger at this link: Replacement Charger. As a reminder, we recommend that both the laptop and charger are labeled with the student's name, so it can be returned more efficiently if lost.